Team Rehab 

Covid-19 Policy

Dear Team Rehab patients:

At Team Rehab, our patients and staff member's health & safety is a top priority. Here you will find updated information on how we are dealing with the threat of the coronavirus (COVID-19) inside our clinics. Additionally, you will find some tips on whether you should attend your therapy appointment or not.

***If you are unsure about whether you should or shouldn't come in for your appointment, please call to talk to the clinic director or your therapist. They can ask you some questions and take your specific case into account.

Inside our Clinics:

We are practicing a variety of safety precautions to keep everyone in our clinics safe.

1. Masks are optional for all.

2. All equipment, tables, counters, door handles and other exposed surfaces will be cleaned with CDC approved disinfectants.

3. All staff will wash hands regularly after contact with other persons and surfaces within the clinic.

Our staff treat every patient with universal precautions, meaning thorough hand washing and sanitizing in between patients. We will be consistently disinfecting surfaces throughout our treatment day and will be happy to sanitize a piece of equipment prior to your use. We are prepared to safely treat patients inside our clinics as we have hand washing stations and hand sanitizer for patients to use. We recommend frequent, thorough hand washing as the best defense against the spread of the virus. Also, avoid touching your face until you have washed your hands. Always cough or sneeze into a sleeve or tissue and wash your hands immediately afterward. We have posted sanitizing instructions throughout the clinics.

Patients/Staff Positive for COVID-19 or exposed to COVID-19:

Team Rehabilitation follows current CDC guidelines for Covid 19 as found on the CDC website at the links below. The CDC guidelines will cover exposure, positive testing and travel.

Patients Positive for COVID-19 - Any person who tests positive for COVID-19 should notify the clinic and follow their physician’s recommendations. The clinic shall notify staff members who had prolonged close contact with the person, currently defined by the CDC as within 6 feet for 15 minutes. The clinic will protect the person’s confidentiality when disclosing exposure to staff. Patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 are eligible to return to the clinic when the following criteria have been met as set by the current CDC Guidelines to be found at:

Patient/Staff Exposed to COVID-19 in the Community - A person who has had prolonged close contact with a COVID-19 positive person will be eligible to return to the clinic while wearing a high-quality mask or respirator. The patient will need to wear a mask until 10 days after exposure.

We encourage all patients to monitor their symptoms and follow up with their healthcare provider as needed or if symptoms arise.